Five Bullet Friday 180420

Don’t have $100 shoes and a 10 cent squat.”

– Louie Simmons

#9Nation, we wish you a super-happy Friday!

• There’s no way around it: We’re all going to age (if we’re lucky)! So you might as well do it well. This former boxer’s story has takeaways for masters athletes and youngins alike.

• One of our coaches told us about her love for this locally-available, eco-conscious, gym-bag-friendly shampoo bar and now we’re rushing out to get one.

• We’re always on the lookout for smart ways to mobilize– like this tip on combining fascia work with eccentric movement.

• You know it’s happening when you start losing the thrill of learning and tackling new movements. You’re feeling a little too comfortable. We’re talking about stagnation. To get out of this quicksand, you’re gonna have to lose your sense of safety.

• CrossFit as we know it would simply not exist without the guiding themes from the CrossFit Journal. And now this super-helpful and groundbreaking online publication is available as an app for both iPhone and Android!

Like this post? Check out our Five Bullet Friday and Movement Tip Monday archives.

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